Old Building in Pleasant Hill Louisiana
by Lenora De Lude
Buy the Original Painting
9.000 x 12.000 x 1.000 inches
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Old Building in Pleasant Hill Louisiana
Lenora De Lude
Painting - Acrylic
This ruined shell of a building once housed the store of a kindly man and his wife. They had eleven children. At least one of the children, a beautiful young girl, helped him in the store. The kindly man, who was very entrepreneurial, opened a theater in the back of the building, and the young daughter took the tickets at the door. In the small town of Pleasant Hill, Louisiana, the theater was a novelty. The young girl grew up, married twice, and had 5 children of her own. The kindly man moved his store to a new building about two miles away, in the country. He called the new store "The Green Door." In 1961, he went home to the Lord.
Meanwhile, the original building (the one in this painting) changed tenants a few times, and gradually grew older. It deteriorated, and now it is only a shell, albeit an attractive one to the eyes of an artist. It is especially attractive to an artist who is a granddaughter of the kindly man, and a daughter of the beautiful young girl. I can almost see the young girl and her daddy, going in and out of the door that I have painted.
About the art itself: This hand painted nostalgic artwork is an acrylic painting of a portion of the ruins of a brick building on Main Street in Pleasant Hill, Louisiana. A landscape can be seen through the door and window. The original is 9x12 inches on stretched canvas. The main colors are orange, green, gray, and white. There are hints of other colors in the shadows, such as blue and brown.
February 11th, 2013