Spruce House at Mesa Verde in Colorado
by Lenora De Lude
Buy the Original Painting
20.000 x 16.000 inches
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Spruce House at Mesa Verde in Colorado
Lenora De Lude
Painting - Acrylic
This is Spruce House at Mesa Verde, an abandoned set of pueblos in southwest Colorado near Cortez. The term, Mesa Verde, is Spanish for green table. From A. D. 600 to 1300, the Ancestral Pueblo people lived here. They build stone dwellings, some very complex. Many of these dwellings lie sheltered under the overhanging rocks of cliffs. The people must have been well protected, as it is difficult to reach some of the sites. According to the National Park Service, this park contains 5000 known archeological sites and 600 cliff dwellings. The park is large, and the drive up is spectacular, showcasing the huge landscape below, as you climb higher and higher. ..... The original painting is acrylic, with layers of paint applied to execute an illusion of rock.
December 16th, 2012