Dogtrot House in Louisiana
by Lenora De Lude
Buy the Original Painting
14.000 x 11.000 x 1.000 inches
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Dogtrot House in Louisiana
Lenora De Lude
Painting - Acrylic
This is the old dogtrot known as the Autrey house near Dubach, Louisiana. As we drove up, the house almost seemed alive, as if it were brooding. In the back is a family cemetery. This old home is rich in history. ..... Dogtrot houses were once common in Louisiana, and consisted of 2 rooms between which a breezeway ran from front to back, open at both ends--wide open. Summer breezes helped to cool the occupants, but winter winds were just around the corner. This house appears to have been one of the better ones. A staircase leads to an upper level. ....Dogtrot houses were still widely used throughout much of the Twentieth century. Many of the houses were enclosed, and dogtrots are not common today. ..... The original painting was executed in acrylic paint on stretched canvas.
December 16th, 2012